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5/5 19 Weeks 2 days going in for ?

At 6 wks a scan is much more reliable than HCG levels. ?

My hcg at 5 weeks 6 days was 5,005 there we're hoping to see a heartbeat but saw a gestational sac yoke sac and a small fetal pole is this normal I go back Wednesday to see if there's a heartbeat I'm about three weeks and my number was 15 Beta HCG levels around 4 weeks and gender predictions (just for fun) - are you having a boy or a girl? Thanks! 💙💗 Question Mine was 513 on 4w1d - we're team girl! 🤞🏻💗 Locked post. Hello!Had my transfer on June 27th with a single day 5 3AA embryo and my first HCG test 14 days after (approximately 4 weeks, 5 days along) came back at 1485. Once hcG reaches a certain level it rises more slowly and doesn't double every 48 hours. Here is a chart with the levels at 8 weeks, which has 8 week range at 7,650-229,000 bunnabon ago My HCG was 156,000 at 7w4d with a singleton merginimama. rob lowe naked I've done heaps of reading on it and there are lots of women who had slow to rise hcg levels and had a successful pregnancy so I'm not worrying about it at this stage. Blood hCG levels are not very helpful to test for the viability of the pregnancy. I just got 103 today also 13 dpo. The first was around 4000, the 2nd was 5900 See active discussions on April 2015 Babies. rebecca cyberpunk hentai My levels then were 6836 IU/L, which is apparently on the higher side. HCG Beta Levels - 5 weeks Posted 12-16-11. My doctor said there is a very wide range of what is considered normal for HCG ranges and that some bodies just produce a lot of it. Mine are currently sitting at 200, which the Dr thinks I'm around 4 weeks. I don't think you can tell until you get another test to compare it to. pornos canal HCG - Boy or Girl ?????? 6 answers /. ….

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